Thursday, March 30, 2017

North Arm Farm

North Arm Farm

pic by Angela Ritchie
This might sound strange, but as I walked around photographing produce and farmlife I gasped everytime I looked up and saw this monumental mountain standing before me, and I kept saying in my head, "Hello your majesty" every time I did. I was so in awe of this mountain it literally kept taking my breath away. Id be in the lavendar field crouched down shooting little purple buds and glance up at this  giant beauty and I couldnt help feel in full wonder. Peeking through the wheat examining their contrast of glow and dark from the sun warming behind them was so healing for me. I literally had a whole roll of just wheat photos. I know I might be sounding like a strange, but I realized I hadnt really been in nature in a long time. I loved this day at the farm, I fell in love with a pig as it snorted up next to me and I felt the value of its life knowing what animals provide for us. Im not a vegetarian, though Ive considered it several times and try to minimize my meat consumption for health but I do believe in value, especially something that gives its life for us to enjoy. So I appreciate wholesome farms and really enjoyed getting next to the lives that serves us so greatly.

The food pictured above is roasted heirloom vine tomato, goat cheese bruschetta. Perfect for a day like this.

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