Monday, March 27, 2017

New Online Class and an update on the Five Minute Paintings

New Online Class and an update on the Five Minute Paintings

First, the Five-Minute Paintings.  I made a little progress on a few of them.  Nice to have so many to work with, I can just play around.  Its just like Big Fat Art.  Here are some before-and-after images of works in progress.  These are all on 19"x25" gessoed paper.
On this one I pretty much just enhanced what was there with artist quality paint and a bit more of the water soluble crayon.

Enhanced a few areas, then covered over some using a brayer with white paint.  No idea what happens next.

I dripped the blue paint (latex) over the orange area, after painting over the orange quite a bit.  A few other things, and Ill keep going.

This one took many turns.  Its probably the most developed of the five-minute paintings, and Im not sure where it will go next. 

Now, for the new online class (drum roll please..... or ukulele noodling):

Beyond the Color Wheel: Advanced Color Studies

This is for those of you who know basic color theory, color mixing, color vocabulary, but want to take the study of color further, and develop your own personal color "voice".  The class is a little different from the others, in that the lessons are sent every two weeks.  Six lessons in all, but over the course of twelve weeks.  This gives you time to get deeper into each lesson, reflect, and absorb. 

It begins on February 10, and, as usual, enrollment is limited.  Click here to read description and sign up. 

Available link for download