Thursday, March 30, 2017

Naughty or Nice

Naughty or Nice

Every year, around this time, the shops seem to  temp us with a nice, new, little (or rather big) selection of perfumes just released in time to fill our christmas stockings! and each year, the perfumes on my list seem to go from liking one or two to liking 10! But as I was flicking through a magazine last week, I saw an advert for Vivienne Westwoods new perfume Naughty Alice. Now I dont know about you, but every now and again I see a perfume  and know ill like it before ive even smelt it, (is that crazy?)  but this definitely happened to be one of those perfumes. 
I love the simplistic but pretty bottle and packaging, and the hint towards one of my favourite ever books/movies (note the looking glass/mirror on the packaging and the colour, and of course the name!) but with a more grown up, feminine twist. 

Heres the blurb about it:
"Naughty Alice is a sensual and audacious new fragrance inspired by Vivienne Westwood’s playful and highly creative imaginary universe. Sexy, musky yet comforting, Naughty Alice enlivens the senses and is the perfect example of modern femininity. The fragrance transports you to a sensual dream world where everything is possible and your adventurous curiosity can be unleashed. This chic feminine and provocative new floriental perfume leaves you with a naughty twinkle in the eye."

"notes include black rose, carnal violet and ylang ylang."

Needless to say I immediately went out to try it and my prediction wasnt wrong. its a soft, pretty, musky fragrance and it dries to a sweet smelling scent which I really like, however its not weak one! it lasts all day long (I did spray it about 5 times though! oops.). This is definitely on the top of my christmas list this year!

Heres a few more that ive had my eye on too....

Peace, Love & Juicy Couture

Chloe Gift Set
(Ive loved this for so long!)
Miss Dior Cherie

Britney Spears Radiance
(Thought id try it as I secretly love Fantasy!)

Lots of Love
Kate x

Available link for download