Tuesday, March 21, 2017
New Years Dreams
New Years Dreams

Hey you lovely lot! I hope youre doing well and had a lovely Christmas! Perhaps youre even sitting there with a cup of tea and whats left of the Christmas chocs? or all snuggled up in your onesie catching up on your unread blog posts? For me, the week between Christmas and New Years is a chance to relax and de-stress from the panic buying and frantic posting of orders from the weeks before, and start looking forward to a brand new, fresh year.
For me, the New Year always brings excitement. A sense of anything could happen, that I can make anything happen if I just put my mind to it. Its like a blank page. Ive never been able to just live and enjoy the present, and even though ive tried to change this, I have come to realise that constantly wondering what the future holds is just a part of who I am. Always waiting and hoping for the next exciting thing to come along and then Im on to something else.
When I look back over this year, 2012 has been full of happy memories for me, and a hell of a lot better than the year that came before! Me and Rikki celebrated 5 years together! moved into our very first house and did plenty of exciting things that filled the year with happiness and memories that I will treasure forever!
But I also think it could have been packed with so much more, I could have said yes to more things and taken opportunities that I let slide when life was feeling just a bit too manic! But, as I sit here now writing this, im determined to make 2013 even bigger and better!
I thought id create a list of things id like to do and achieve in 2013 (and im trying so hard not to use the word resolution in this post... oops). So instead of just making a list in my head, its there to read and refer to whenever Im feeling a little jaded by life. And of course you can remind me to get on and do these things too, yknow.... if you feel like it? I also thought id throw in some photos that will help inspire me (and hopefully you) too!
Whats on YOUR to do list for 2013? is there anything that youre dreaming of doing next year?

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