Thursday, April 13, 2017

Next Stop Reykjavik

Next Stop Reykjavik

Twice in one day. Its either feast or famine around here, isnt it? Not, come to think of it, that two brief posts constitute a feast.

Not unless youre one of the two French women at the next table, here in the Food Court at the Boston Logan International Terminal. They are having quite a heated conversation about how all the options here are too much, too much! They havent mentioned liver attacks yet, but theyre French, so it should come around any minute.

I happen to agree with them. Its too much, and its disgusting. What passes for decent food in an Airport–any airport Ive been through, even outside the United State–would be considered slop for half the price in the land outside the runways. I settled on Chinese food, like the two French women. They are splitting a single entrée, a bottle of water, and a cup of rice. They might consider these two entries a feast.

Notice how I finally remembered where I was going with that?

Oh, and the hat. I finished the hat, aside from weaving in the ends. I wound up just doing an asymmetrical garter-stitch brim. Heres a picture.

Almost Ready for Iceland

I hope you noticed the cleaning lady in the background, asking herself, "What in the Hell is he doing?" You work at an airport, honey. This cannot possibly be the weirdest thing youve seen today.

Maybe I should leave the needle in, and tell people who ask that its an antenna. Better yet, leave the needle in and tell that to everyone, even if they dont ask. I bet I could get three seats all to myself.

Fine, its not going to win any design awards, but itll keep my flipping ears warm. Its also my first top-down hat, and its a method Ill be delighted to repeat.

I could fuss with the brim some more, but I have to move on to the next project.

Because I forgot to pack a scarf.

PS They just said it! Crise de foie! I feel like I should yell, "Bingo!"

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