Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Natures Turkey Simple Art Project For Kids

Natures Turkey Simple Art Project For Kids

Just popping in today with a little project my four-year-old and I did yesterday afternoon.

 Natures Turkey {Easy Art Project For Kids} from Blissful Roots

I realized the other day that I havent made a single turkey with my boys this year, and  Thanksgiving is less than a week away!  The horror, I know.

Anyway, we decided to make a turkey from nature this time around.  I always love how these turn out, and the best part is you dont have to make or buy a single supply!  Mother Nature provides them all.

Its amazing what you can find outside this time of year.  At first glance, everything seems so dead and dreary, but take another look and youll be surprised with what can be found.  This entire turkey (minus the hot glue and paper) was made from things we found in my in-laws yard.  Making the turkey itself was fun, but the hunt for materials was actually our favorite part.  We gathered leaves, berries, and a pinecone, then hot glued everything on to a white piece of card stock.  So simple, so natural, and of course, adorable!

What kind of turkeys do you like to make at your house this time of year?

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time.

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.

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Available link for download