Sunday, April 16, 2017

New Hip Hatchet Album

New Hip Hatchet Album

If you read WLFY with any regularity, you know Hip Hatchet is one of our favorite singer/songwriters in the seven years weve been running this music blog.  Its very exciting that after close to two years of writing, Hip Hatchet is finally releasing his third LP.  As with all things Hip Hatchet, he only asked for a modest 4,500 and has already reach his goal.  Dont think of this Kickstarter as a Kickstarter...rather a pre-order link for one of the best albums coming out in 2015.  I was extremely fortunate to preview this album and its a gorgeous piece of art.  Luckily for us wax obsessed music fans, this will be the first album of Hip Hatchet to be released on vinyl.  Please support (how ever much you can) this wonderful album and more importantly, one of the most unique voices we have in music today.


Available link for download