Wednesday, April 19, 2017

New Springcache Plugin Version

New Springcache Plugin Version

After saying it might take me a while I got stuck in and rewrote the Springcache plugin from scratch. The new version is up now. The plugin now requires Grails 1.2.0-M3 or greater as its reliant on Spring 3.0.

The plugin allows you to declare caching and flushing behaviour on service methods (well, any Spring bean methods, but services are typical) using @Cacheable and @CacheFlush annotations. This is really useful for service methods that perform long-running or expensive tasks such as retrieving data from web services, network resources, etc. The plugin is less appropriate for service methods that retrieve data using GORM/Hibernate as you could just use the 2nd level cache, although theres nothing stopping you doing so if it makes sense in your domain.

The documentation and source code are in the usual places. Heres a quick summary of the changes and new features:

  • No longer depends on the (discontinued and non-Spring 3 compatible) spring-modules-cache library.
  • No more mapcache, the plugin now uses ehcache by default.
  • Only ehcache is supported directly but its really easy to implement an adapter for other caching libraries if you need to.
  • Slightly simplified configuration. Some minor tweaks will be needed if youre upgrading from an earlier version of the plugin.
  • Bean names are now prefixed with "springcache" so theyre much less likely to clash with other things in your Spring context.

There has been some interest in some new features such as a taglib for caching chunks of views which I may start looking at shortly.

Available link for download