Friday, April 14, 2017

Not so super hooper

Not so super hooper

So, I am trying to lose some weight. Medication, chocolate and too much wine have combined against me. My well meaning neighbor asked me recently if I was having another baby. No, Just fat! But thanks for asking!!

A few weeks ago, I had a brain wave. It is notoriously hard to get away from my children  find the time to exercise, so I thought a perfect solution would be something I could do at home whether the boys were there or not. And what would be that perfect thing??

Hula Hooping!!

I picked up a couple of hula hoops from Big W and was filled with a new motivation and sense of purpose. I was ready to  hula the shit outta that hoop and lose my wine belly before you could say, "Semillion Blanc, anyone?"

But guess what? I cant hula hoop. 

That thing hit the floor a millisecond after I flung it around my waist.  My hips and waist seemed to be fighting on opposite sides of a very uncoordinated battle. 

The thing is, I just ASSUMED I would be able to do it. Who knew that hula hooping is an acquired talent?!? I thought everyone could do it. 

I told my Lovely Husband of my failure.

Lovely Husband: "Show me.  Surely it cant be that bad?" 

Fling. Clatter. (the sound of stupid hoop hitting the floor)

Lovely Husband: "Wow. I thought it would at least go around once or twice. You really cant do that, can you?"

Me: "I KNOW! It is so disappointing and confusing cos I was REALLY AWESOME at hula hooping on the Wii."

Lovely Husband: "You realise there is no actual hoop involved with Wii hula hooping. Its just wiggling your hips."

Me: "Hhhmmm. That explains a lot."

Have you ever assumed you could do something you totally couldnt do?

Available link for download