Thursday, April 13, 2017

Nearpod vs Powerpoint

Nearpod vs Powerpoint

Maybe you saw Jeff Feinsteins post about Nearpod a few days ago. I just tried it and love it.

The cool thing about Nearpod is its interactivity. You simply upload a powerpoint presentation to Nearpod, add video clips, quizzes, polls or graphs and publish it. Students access your  presentation with a pin and then see it on their phones. You control the presentation on your computer and advance the slides with your lecture.

I created an introductory lesson to Islam. It includes three short video clips (each less than 3 minutes), links to three different websites for research, and three short formative quizzes.

Heres how I did it. I took an existing powerpoint about Islam, uploaded it to Nearpod and then began editing it by adding video clips in strategic places (for example, a clip about the Five Pillars after a slide outlining them).  Next I added a couple of short multiple choice questions about the video.

In another area of the powerpoint, I added a link to a webpage about jihad, then another video clip about it.

You can see my effort below. Just remember its my first one and not by any means perfect.

Available link for download