Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Nothing like a little whoop as to wake up the legs

Nothing like a little whoop as to wake up the legs

Ive not been too motivated to ride much. Its the endurance phase and when I have been able to ride I go deathly slow in order to make the time pass longer so that when I get back home my ride time is higher.

My friend and I joined a group ride yesterday and it was a shocker. Right from the start these guys were flying. I was going hard enough to wheeze and wish for an inhaler. Within the first 1/2hr I was thinking of breaking off just to go at an easier pace. I ask myself if it is a good thing to be going too hard too early.

But the fact is this isnt somehting I do on a regular basis. A good smack down on my legs even this early helps wake me up, get the legs going and helps to motivate me. But still it was still way faster than Id be going if I were by myself.

Weve gone from high 20s to mid 60s in a week. Better enjoy it while I can.

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