Wednesday, February 22, 2017

News Fart Skeptobot isnt dead its resting Honest

News Fart Skeptobot isnt dead its resting Honest

Sorry, that holiday has been taking a while. And will for a bit longer still. But after numerous (3) requests to keep posting - I thought I would confirm Im alive. Just homeless at the moment. Hell, if you know a good 1 bedroom flat for a couple in north london, let me know.

Still to tide you over - here is a News Fart. Some of which is quite old, for which I make no apologies. This is the stuff I was going to do proper updates on but havent had the time. So it will be sparse and badly written. Youll have to add the angry invective yourself.

Deal or No Deal
The Guardian demonstrates perfectly how belief in nonsense now permeates all corners of the UK - thanks to the lens that is Deal or no Deal.

Christopher Hitchens hating God with old women watching.
Now, I love a lot of what this drunk man says. His American news interviews have to be seen to be believed. But whenever he talks about "enemies" I want to punch him in his rosy alcoholic jaw. That said, I would give this 6 part youtube vid: "Listen to whilst working out of ten"

The power of ridicule.
A security expert takes the piss out of Al-Qaeda

Belgium makes great beers and hates Scientology - whats not to love.
Scientology Faces Criminal Charges: A Belgian prosecutor on Tuesday recommended that the U.S.-based Church of Scientology stand trial for fraud and extortion. Lovely.

Sorry Wright brothers - it was for nothing.
And lastly. Something which beggers belief beyond all measure. Something that reduces your IQ just for reading it.

Nepal Airlines use giant iron birds to fly people into the air to lands you can not see. It is like a magic. So what do you do if you are having problems with the craft?

You sacrifice two fucking goats.


Anyhow - proper service will be asap. But Ive got to bugger off now to look at a shit overpriced flat.

P.S. I have very exciting secret plan in preparation still. Very.

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