Wednesday, February 22, 2017

NEW class and a giveaway!

NEW class and a giveaway!

Hey friends! My next online class Dream Builder goes live on January 16th. In addition to the class I am also offering Creative Consulting Sessions and today I am giving away a free spot in the class and a free consulting session to one of you! See below for all of the information.
Dream Builder
Live January 16, 2017
$30.00 on SALE today $20

Back in 2009, I quit my day job to pursue art full time. I had spent over 15 years working towards my dream of being a full time artist and if there is one thing I have learned from my own journey, its that when you make time and space in your life to pursue your dreams, big things can happen! In this little class I will be sharing my experiences, practical tips and tricks for going after your creative dreams. If you are looking for inspiration to grow as an artist, launch a dream or find motivation to go after something big, this is the class for you!
More details HERE

Dream Builder Creative Consulting Session

In addition to the Dream Builder class I am also offering limited spots for 1 hour creative consulting sessions to go along with this class. These sessions are for those of you who need inspiration to move forward, need advice, ideas and practical guidance for your creative goals. Over the years Ive been asked all kinds of questions about building a business, making art, developing a unique style, earning income, teaching, writing a book, branding and more. And while I am not an expert, I do have over 20 years of experience making and selling art. While my business started small, today I run a successful creative biz that supports our family and I have lots of knowledge, inspiration and ideas to share

This one hour creative consulting session is all about you! After corresponding via email, we will schedule a Skype/Facetime/phone call that is customized for you. The session will last for 1 hour (60 minutes) and I will address your needs, give your practical feedback, inspiration and ideas to move forward with your goals. Keep in mind I cannot guarantee changes for you, your art or your business but I can give you the jump start, ideas, steps, inspiration to go after the things that you are dreaming about.
More details HERE

Want to win a spot in class and a 1 hour Creative Consulting Session?

Leave me a comment
Tell me one of your biggest dreams.
I will randomly draw a winner an announce at the bottom of this post on Friday.

Available link for download