Monday, February 27, 2017

Natural Ways to Speed Up Healing of Fractures

Natural Ways to Speed Up Healing of Fractures

Depending on your fracture, doctors will probably put a bandage or a fiberglass or plaster cast on your fracture. Then they will give you pain killers and tell you to let the bone heal naturally for two to three months. However, at home, you can do following:
  • Eat fresh pineapple everyday. Pineapple is rich in Bromelain, an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. If you can’t find fresh pineapples, you can take the supplement Bromelain.
  • Take calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin K and boron. They are essential in repairing bone damage.
  • Take vitamin D as it aids in clacium absorption.
  • Take vitamin C as it helps in the formation of collagen.
  • Take zinc to help repair tissue damage.
  • Eat foods that are rich in calcium and other nutrients needed for calcium’s assimilation such as sea vegetables, green leafy vegetables (kale, romaine lettuce and other collard greens), soybeans (tofu, miso), nuts, molasses, salmon, oysters, sardines, broccoli and unsweetened yogurt.
  • Essential fatty acids are important also and can be found in walnuts, almonds, flaxseeds, and fish.
  • Avoid red meat and products containing caffeine as they increase calcium excretion. Sugar and high intake of salt contribute also to bone loss.
  • Avoid eating food with preservatives. They conatin phosphorus which can lead to bone loss.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking slows the blood flow to the bones, thus slows down the healing process.
  • Stop drinking. Alcohol slows the formation of the new bone cells.

Available link for download