Tuesday, February 14, 2017




Everyone who reads my blog knows that one of my favorite companies I use when designing is Segreto Finishes.  I have long been convinced that the owner of Segreto, Leslie Sinclair, is actually the Wizard of Oz behind the most beautiful houses in Houston – and more.


Segreto has the talent and ability to create incredible finishes that can truly transform the most boring room into something spectacular.  Once you have experienced a Segreto creation, you never want do a design without them - ever! 


Leslie has written two very popular books, large volumes that showcase her work:  “Segreto”  and “Segreto Style.”  And so today, I am thrilled to announce a third book from Leslie entitled “Segreto Vignettes” 


I was even more excited that Leslie asked me to write the Forward.  Even better, she was so kind to include some photographs of jobs we have worked on together…AND…I was even asked to write the section on Slipcovers!!  


OK, confession.  This is the first book my work is included in – and it’s a thrill, I can’t deny that I’m over the moon with excitement.  And I am most eternally grateful and thankful to Leslie for this kindness, whom I consider one of the nicest, sweetest people in this business.



I’m not the only contributor to “Segreto Vignettes.”  There is an entire section on “Tips From the Experts” – such as Maria Killam, the Colour Expert, who wrote “Choosing the Perfect White” and there are sections on “Choosing the Perfect Architect” and builder, and designer. 


There is also an extensive chapter on all the different finishes that are available, along with another chapter on how to use finishes to fix a problem – such as disguising TVs, altering light fixtures, finishing fireplaces – and more. 


Besides all the fun things to read, there are the photographs – page after page of the most beautiful interiors you will ever see, designed by cream of the crop decorators – all made that much better because Leslie Sinclair and Segreto was involved.


At 336 pages, the book is heavy and worth every pound as an invaluable reference tool.  “Segreto Vignettes” will be available the first week in September – but we are offering it for pre-order now.  


To pre-order “Segreto Vignettes,” please go HERE.

Happy Reading!!!

Available link for download