Monday, February 6, 2017

NASA Fakes Email Leak

NASA Fakes Email Leak

A rocket launches from NASA CRUs GISTEMP headquarters. Can it really be right for such launches be to made in such close proximity to important climate data?

Over the weekend NASAs University of East Anglia has alleged hackers have "stolen and released" a bunch of scientists emails. 

However what makes me deeply suspicious is the complete lack of correspondence with Al Gore in these released emails. Where are all the emails showing Al Gores involvement? Even more bizarrely there is no plotting and planning on how to raise taxes. I dont see any mention of the socialist new world order that these scientists are trying to bring about. Not once do they talk about how to best achieve wealth redistribution or world government.

So I have to conclude this this email release is a big con. It has all the hallmarks of a deliberate leak to make these scientists look better and to try and silence skeptics who question their motives. If we are to believe the emails, the scientists dont actually think their work is in error! But we know they must realize its all a big con, so how can these emails possibly be true?

I was expecting something like this:

From: "Michael Mann"
To: "James Hansen"
CC: "Al Gore", &WorldGovernmentDistributionList
Subject: A good idea!
Date: Mon, 21 October 2008 09:15:31

Hail Comrade,

October temperature release draws near. How about you just reuse the Sept 2008 temperatures? I figure that way it will make it the warmest October on record!

Al says this will be an excellent move for his stock portfolio.

btw I dont know what to do with all that grant money coming through my door, it is starting to fill up my front hall. I bought 5 more Ferraris and a yacht, but it isnt reducing it much.

In Stalin,


That is the kind of thing I was expecting to find. Blog science and the Heartland Institute have provided plenty of discussion to lead me to believe the above kind of emails should exist.

But all I could find was some BS email in which they talked about OctoberGate as if it was just some error in russian data. They even had the tenacity to add in a note that skeptics wouldnt believe it was just an error. A likely story! Its clear to me that the emails are fake.

-hattip to Baron von Monckhofen who in the previous posts comments suggested what the emails could have contained

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