Tuesday, January 31, 2017

New Work Available as Prints

New Work Available as Prints

Ive made some of my studies and new pieces available as prints on Fine Art America.  Here is how it works:  you go to my page; then click on the image you want to view:
"89/100", 9"x12", acrylic and crayon on paper

You choose among framing and format options.

And then you can choose the size.
One benefit of purchasing prints rather than originals is that you get to choose the size.  The original of this piece is 9"x12", but you can get it as large as 36"x48". 

I have been pondering the issue of scale.  Often I see a piece of my own work or that of a student, and think:  this would be FABULOUS at a drastically larger scale.  But how do you DO that??  I also find interesting the juxtaposition of dramatically contrasting scales - teeny tiny marks next to great big marks.  In my studio I am investigating both of these ideas.  I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

Here are a few more of the new pieces now available as prints:

Available link for download