Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Natures first leaf a flower

Natures first leaf a flower

It is SPRING! There are green buds on the willows, white flowers on the bradford pears and the daffodils are blooming! Yippee!!

Here is my Friday Gimme 3 from 24 Knits.

*List 3 things youve done that I probably havent.
1. Um, how about something that I havent done and you have? Tasted Gin
2. Filed bankruptcy
3. Had two boys

*Tell me 3 things in your life that make you happy.
1. Boy 1 and Boy 2
2. Babies of any type
3. Hubby when he cleans the kitchen (top to bottom cleaning!)

*Tell me the last 3 things you did to treat yourself.
1. Went to Knitting MeetUp
2. Made asparagus frittatas

OK, I really need to improve on the "treat yourself" part!

Bonus points if you know what MOVIE the title line was featured in!

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