Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Zeppelin Ios 7 Download

The video will show you how to get zeppelin and change your carrier name to all sorts of logos. sorry for the bad sound if there is bad sound. and i will try to find out a way to make the video. Zeppelin, one of my favorite jailbreak tweaks has just been updated to add support for ios 7. in case you’re not aware, zeppelin allows you to change your iphone’s carrier logo. alex zielenski has released zeppelin 2.0 that adds support for ios 7, and now also gives you the option to hide logos from the list.. All if you have ios 7+ download the readme.html and read it. after creating my own logo was getting blank rectangle when the icon transitioned from white to black my icon was 40 x 40px in the read me it mentions for ios 7+ it needs to be 32px tall resized and now transitions flawlessly. also for retina display you only need @2x files..

Six Guns Cydia Theme - YouTube

Six guns cydia theme - youtube

Cydia. by jay freeman (saurik) “the alternative to apps” zeppelin. 2.1.0-12. author. alex zielenski. €