Monday, January 7, 2019

Android Edittext Focus Open Keyboard

My case is: i have one edittext field that is with disabled focus. beside edittext field i has two buttons for input methods. so i want when click first button: to open soft keybord and edit text in edittext field.. Thanks in advance for the help. i would like a keyboard to appear at the end or during the execution of the following code. // edit text edittext edittext = new edittext(activity); ed.... When you define an edit text widget, if the text is selectable, select it all when the view takes focus. android:shadowcolor: adds any keyboard navigation cluster roots that are descendants of this view (possibly including this view if it is a cluster root itself) to views..

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How can i set the focus (display the keyboard) on my edittext programmatically? i've tried this and it works only when i launch my activity normally, but when i launch it in a tabhost , it doesn't work.. On android 4.4.4, i have 4 edit text that are focus successively through requestfocus in a special order. i have no problem with showing the keyboard or changing the text i want, but when i try to delete with the keyboard touch, the wrong edit text get deleted.. Hi men, i need help. im making a simply calculator app… and i need disable the android keyboard when teh user use edittext fields… and replace it for my own buttons..

android edittext focus open keyboard

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